
Cosmology Selfology and Knowing the Universe and Knowing Thyself Pacif Institute of Enroll Now (Origin, Evolution, Structure formation

Ultimate fate, and Dynamics

of the Universe)
Exploring the Cosmos Cosmology Enroll Now
Efforts towards developing SCIENTIFIC TEMPER and CONCIOUSNESS GROWTH in Society. Science Popularization & Science Communication Enroll Now at PICS A Unified Platform to Explore the Physical & Psychological Dimensions and beyond Enroll Now

At PICS, we embark on a remarkable journey to explore the universe in all its dimensions—both outwardly and inwardly—through the lens of scientific disciplines. Acknowledging the universe’s multifaceted, multidimensional, and often incomprehensible nature, we pursue this exploration with the best tools science has to offer: Mathematics, Physics, Biology, Computer Science, and more. Our motivation is elegantly captured in our guiding principles: 

“Observing the Observed (Universe) and Observing the Observer (Self). 

We are inspired by the words of legendary Scientists:

“Science is not perfect. It can be misused. It is only a tool. But it is by far the best tool we have, self-correcting, ongoing, applicable to everything.” ~Carl Sagan

“Science cannot solve the ultimate mystery of nature. And that is because, in the last analysis, we ourselves are a part of the mystery that we are trying to solve.”  ~ Max Planck

“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.” ~ Nikola Tesla

Welcome to the Pacif Institute of Cosmology and Selfology (PICS), where the convergence of cosmology and consciousness is explored within a rigorous interdisciplinary framework. At PICS, the study of the Universe and the Self are recognized as interconnected endeavors, with research guided by the principle that a deeper understanding of the cosmos enhances our comprehension of the Self. In a world where unconscious escapisms disrupt societal harmony, PICS provides a scholarly environment for scientists and academics to engage in meaningful inquiry that integrates scientific exploration with reflective awareness.


Our programs are specifically designed for academic and research professionals, offering cutting-edge studies in cosmology, gravitation, and consciousness through the Selfology® framework. PICS serves as a platform for collaborative research, advanced workshops, and seminars, all focused on fostering intellectual development and creating a positive societal impact. By linking the vast complexities of the Universe with the exploration of consciousness, PICS stands at the forefront of scientific and intellectual innovation, empowering scholars to advance both knowledge and societal well-being.


Welcome to PICS—where your journey of discovery begins.

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